Air Tractor AT802
Air Tractor AT802
Also available in a AT802F Variant.

Our simulators are accreditable by FAA and CASA, with GeoSim boasting over 70 Civil Aviation Accreditations. Contact us to learn more about the simulator hours you can claim.

Experience custom and dynamic training scenarios with our Vulcan Fire Simulation software, which accurately simulates fire spread and growth based on temperature, terrain, wind, and location.

Our PT6 Startup module, refined with input from pilots with thousands of AT802 flight hours, ensures precise startup, hotstart, and in-flight performance training.

Our simulators include worldwide scenery with GPS-derived contours, Jeppeson navigation data, and access to over 8,247 airports, enabling location-specific training tailored to your needs. We can even create custom high detail areas for you!

Hone critical communication skills for high-risk operations, ensuring seamless collaboration with international crews, regardless of accents or varied terminology.

Our multi-simulator connections enable comprehensive training for complex procedures, including multi-aircraft aerial firefighting and communication protocols.

Achieve excellence at an economical price. Ask us about the attractive ROI and aviation credits available. Add more training, while saving more fuel, risk and “wear and tear”.

Our AT802 model has been refined over eight years, with input from expert pilots, ensuring a reliable and realistic training experience.

Our simulators offer advanced training for crop spraying operations, allowing pilots to master techniques in precision application, coverage optimization, and efficient use of resources. Our simulators can even connect to AgGPS units such as TracMap or AgNav.

Prepare for critical scenarios repeatedly, refining life-saving reflexes without the risk of real-world consequences. Practice and perfect.
Custom Emergency Procedures (EPs) include:
(But not limited to)
- Engine Failures (Fire/Out)
- Hot Starts
- Hot Days
- Hung Starts
- E-Dump
- FCU/Emergency Throttle
- Over Temps
- Control Surface Failure (Aileron, Elevator, Flaps, Trims)
- Hydraulic/Electrical Failures
- Fuel System Failures
- Stall
- Structural/Gear/Tires